DOOM launched on Apple's Lightning/HDMI adapter
The dedicated DOOM community continues to push boundaries, showcasing impressive feats of technical ingenuity. A recent experiment by NyanSatan highlights this, successfully running the classic DOOM on Apple's Lightning/HDMI adapter.
The adapter, as NyanSatan explains, utilizes iOS-based firmware and a processor clocked at up to 168 MHz. The process involved accessing the adapter's firmware and then executing the game. A MacBook was necessary to facilitate firmware transfer, given the adapter's lack of internal memory.
Shifting focus to a new DOOM iteration, DOOM: The Dark Ages will feature a significant accessibility improvement. Players can adjust demon aggression in the game's settings. This focus on accessibility is a core development principle, resulting in far more customization options than previous id Software titles.
Executive producer Marty Stratton emphasizes the studio's commitment to accessibility. Players will have granular control over enemy damage and difficulty, projectile speed and damage, and broader game mechanics including tempo, aggression levels, and parry timing.
Stratton further clarifies that prior DOOM experience isn't required to understand the narratives of DOOM: The Dark Ages or its sequel, DOOM: Eternal.
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