Thuis Nieuws ni dit: zoek alle beschermende kettingspiriers

ni dit: zoek alle beschermende kettingspiriers

Auteur : Christopher Update : Feb 10,2025

Deze gids beschrijft de locaties van alle 85 Warp Spires in Infinity Nikki. Warp -torens zijn cruciaal voor snel reizen en toegang tot rijken, te beginnen met het rijk van escalatie. Het activeren van elke spits is essentieel voor het gebruik ervan. Om te teleporteren, de spits op de kaart te vinden, te markeren, te markeren en de optie Teleport te selecteren.

Alle warp -torens in Infinity Nikki

Memorial Mountains Warp Spires

Spire Number Warp Spire Name
1 By the Stylist's Guilds Memorial
2 Beside the Statue in the Old Florawish Memorial
3 Florawish Lane

Florawish Warp Spires

Spire Number Warp Spire Name
4 Stylist's Guild Front Gate
5 In Front of the Mayor's Residence
6 Stitch Street
7 Dream Warehouse Tower
8 Dream Warehouse Rooftop
9 Secret Base
10 Well of Fortune
11 In Front of the Sanctum of the Observant
12 Wish Pass

Breezy Meadow Warp Spires

Spire Number Warp Spire Name
13 The Leisurely Anglers Florawish Branch
14 Cicia Art Academy Field Base
15 Bug Catcher's Cabin
16 Meadow Activity Support Center
17 Meadow Wharf
18 Relic Hill
19 Lakeside Hill Lane
20 Queen's Palace Ruins Entrance
21 Queen's Palace Ruins Front Yard
22 Queen's Palace Ruins High Tower
23 Queen's Palace Ruins West Forest
24 Heartcraft Kingdom Outpost
25 Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp Outpost
26 Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp

Stoneville Warp Spires

Spire Number Warp Spire Name
27 Stoneville Entrance
28 Village Fork
29 Flamecrest Stonetree
30 Lavenfringe Fields
31 Gliding Training
32 Dye Workshop
33 Cicchetto Manor
34 Rockfall Valley

verlaten districtswarpspiriers

Spire Number Warp Spire Name
35 Beside the Golden Fields
36 Golden Fields Stonetree Top
37 Golden Fields Old Dock
38 Beside the Ripple Wine Cellar
39 Barrel Grove
40 Barrel Home
41 Windrider Mill Entrance
42 Windrider Mill Top
43 Windrider Mill Mid-Level
44 Market of Mirth Entrance
45 Market of Mirth Summit Path
46 Handsome Lads Circus
47 Choo-Choo Station Old Platform
48 Choo-Choo Station Shipping Center
49 Choo-Choo Station Repair Station
50 Choo-Choo Station Stonetree Top
51 Ghost Train Entrance
52 Stellar Fishing Ground Trail
53 Stellar Fishing Ground Peak
54 Thuddy Squash Workshop
55 Volunteer Corps Jail
56 Stonecrown Peak
57 Waterspots Observatory
58 Volunteer Corps Watchtower 1
59 Wishing Well
60 Volunteer Corps Watchtower 2
61 Prosperville Entrance
62 Stone Steles
63 Forgotten Village Dwelling

<🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵> Wouden Woods Warp Spires

Spire -nummer Warp Spire Name 64 Timi's Beauty Lab 65 Workshop Waterwheel 66 Farm -ingang 67 Bizarre Wish Hills 68 wanhoop orb magazijn 69 shoal
70 Grand Tree Shoal
71 Grand Tree Residential Area
72 Tempel van wensen
73 Garrison of the Paladins
74 Swordsmith Ruins Entrance
75 Flower Valley Waterfall
76 Wish Celebration Center
77 Elderwood Riverbank
78 voor het wensinspectiecentrum
79 Wishcraft Lab
80 Swordsmith Ruins Gate
81 Ruïnes van de voogden
82 afgelegen grot
83 Ascetic Camp
84 Aurosa Valley
85 Land van Starfall

Deze uitgebreide lijst zorgt ervoor dat u geen van deze essentiële locaties zult missen in uw Infinity Nikki -reis.