Home News World of Warcraft Patch 11.1 is Going to Be a Big Update for Hunters

World of Warcraft Patch 11.1 is Going to Be a Big Update for Hunters

Author : Layla Update : Mar 06,2025

World of Warcraft Patch 11.1 is Going to Be a Big Update for Hunters

World of Warcraft Patch 11.1: Hunter Class Overhaul

Patch 11.1 of World of Warcraft introduces significant changes to the Hunter class, impacting pet management, specializations, and core abilities. These changes, slated for release likely in February, are currently undergoing testing on the PTR (Public Test Realm) and are subject to adjustments based on player feedback.

Key Changes Summarized:

  • Pet Specialization Changes: Hunters can now alter the specialization (Cunning, Ferocity, Tenacity) of any pet at the stable using a dropdown menu. This flexibility allows players to optimize their companions for diverse combat scenarios.
  • Beast Mastery Overhaul: Beast Mastery Hunters gain the option to utilize a single, significantly enhanced pet instead of two. This solo pet boasts increased damage and size.
  • Marksmanship Transformation: Marksmanship Hunters undergo a complete rework, eliminating their pet entirely. Instead, they gain a Spotting Eagle companion that marks targets for increased damage from the Hunter's abilities. This change is proving to be the most controversial among players.
  • Pack Leader Talent Revamp: The Pack Leader talent is redesigned, summoning a bear, boar, and wyvern simultaneously upon activation. The lack of player choice in summoned pets has drawn criticism.

Detailed Class Changes:

The patch notes detail extensive modifications to numerous Hunter abilities across all specializations. Key adjustments include:

  • General Hunter Changes: Several abilities like Kindling Flare, Territorial Instincts, Wilderness Medicine, and No Hard Feelings have been redesigned or updated for improved functionality and clarity. Explosive Shot projectile speed is increased. Eyes of the Beast and Eagle Eye are now specialization-specific. Freezing Trap's triggering mechanism is altered.
  • Beast Mastery Specific Changes: New talents like Dire Cleave, Poisoned Barbs, and Solitary Companion offer additional strategic options. Existing abilities like Stomp, Serpent Sting, and Barrage receive damage and resource cost adjustments. Visual effects for Dire Beasts are updated.
  • Marksmanship Specific Changes: The core gameplay revolves around the Spotting Eagle. New abilities like Harrier's Cry and Manhunter introduce new tactical elements. A suite of new talents alters the flow and damage output of the specialization, focusing on Aimed Shot and its synergy with Precise Shots.
  • Survival Specific Changes: The changes streamline the rotation, making Flanking Strike and Butchery mutually exclusive choices. New talents like Cull the Herd and Born to Kill enhance the bleed-based damage.

Player Feedback Crucial:

Blizzard emphasizes the importance of player feedback during the PTR testing phase. Hunters are encouraged to provide comprehensive input on the effectiveness and balance of these changes before the official patch release. The current community response is mixed, with positive reception towards pet specialization changes and the single-pet Beast Mastery option, but significant concerns regarding the Marksmanship and Pack Leader reworks.

The upcoming changes represent a substantial shift in Hunter gameplay. The PTR testing period will be critical in shaping the final iteration of these adjustments.