Stalker 2: How To Get The Unique Cavalier Rifle
Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl boasts a diverse arsenal, letting you tailor your loadout to your preferred combat style. Beyond the standard issue, you can discover unique weapons with special modifications and boosted power – the Cavalier sniper rifle being a prime example. This special rifle features a red-dot sight instead of a traditional scope, making it exceptionally effective at short to medium ranges.
Acquiring the Unique Cavalier Rifle in Stalker 2
The Cavalier Sniper Rifle awaits within the Duga base, specifically near the Military Unit. It's tucked away in a warehouse connected to a greenhouse—a location you might already be familiar with if you've previously searched for the Journalist's stash. Accessing the warehouse is straightforward via the base's second entrance.
Navigating to the Warehouse
Upon entering the Duga base, head towards the Military Unit building (marked on your map). You needn't enter the building itself; instead, circumnavigate it to reach the greenhouse at the rear. Be warned: two Pseudogiants patrol this area and will attack on sight. Proceed cautiously to avoid a confrontation.
Once you reach the greenhouse, enter carefully. Inside the connected warehouse, prepare for a swarm of rats. To avoid taking damage, utilize the elevated green platforms at the back of the warehouse. A well-placed grenade will quickly dispatch the rodent menace.
Retrieving the Cavalier
With the rats dealt with, examine the warehouse ceiling above the greenhouse entrance. You'll spot yellow-painted wooden boards. Shoot these boards with your weapon to dislodge the Cavalier sniper rifle, which will fall to the floor below.
Retrieve your prize and safely exit the Duga base. You can further upgrade the Cavalier with Screw, the technician at Rostok base. Its high damage and accuracy, further enhanced through upgrades and modifications, make it a formidable weapon. For players who prefer red-dot sights over traditional scopes, the Cavalier is an excellent close-to-medium range sniper rifle.