Home News Best Pokemon GO Fantasy Cup Teams

Best Pokemon GO Fantasy Cup Teams

Author : Emma Update : Feb 11,2025

A new season in the Pokemon GO Battle League is here, bringing new specialized cups for players to compete with carefully curated teams of Pokemon. Up first is the GO Battle League Fantasy Cup, and we’re here to help you build the perfect Pokemon GO team.

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Fantasy Cup Rules for Pokemon GO: Dual Destiny SeasonBest Fantasy Cup Teams for Pokemon GOHow To Build a Strong Fantasy Cup TeamSuggested Fantasy Cup Team Combos for Pokemon GO

Fantasy Cup Rules for Pokemon GO: Dual Destiny Season

The Fantasy Cup: Great League Edition is an extra-long cup this season, running for two weeks, from December 3 to December 17. In this cup, Pokemon must be at or below 1500 CP and must fall into one of three permitted types: Dragon, Steel, and Fairy.

Like any cup with specialized typing rules, this will create a unique challenge – and opportunity – for players in battle.

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Best Fantasy Cup Teams for Pokemon GO

With the Fantasy Cup, players can lean into those newer fancy types that were excluded in last season’s Retro Cup. Dragon types being weak against themselves will pose a challenge, and as they’re also weak to Fairy… well, good luck, trainers.

In fact, Steel is the only type not coming into this fight with an inherent weakness to the other available types, given that Fairy types are weak to Steel. This makes team building an interesting challenge.

How To Build a Strong Fantasy Cup Team

As only three types are allowed in the Fantasy Cup, players will have limited options. In some ways, this makes it easier to plan for what you might face, and it’s likely many players will lean into Steel typing to avoid those pesky weaknesses from Dragon and Fairy types.

It’s a good idea, as always, to look into dual typings for assistance on coverage against Steel types while also planning for your opponent to bring Fairy or Dragon types as well. Dual types that have Ground-type moves will be especially helpful to counter Steel-type opponents, but a few dual Poison types wouldn’t go amiss to battle those Fairy opponents.

Suggested Fantasy Cup Team Combos for Pokemon GO

As always, you’ll want to take a look at your best options within the 1500 CP range and allotted types before you start building your team. Look for solid PvP attackers and decent defense to set you up to wait out those opponent shields before your closer deals massive damage. Here are a few combinations that might well see you to your next Fantasy Cup victory in the GO Battle League.


Alolan Dugtrio

Alolan Dugtrio
Galarian Weezing

Galarian Weezing

This Pokemon GO Fantasy Cup team is well-rounded when it comes to typing, giving you potential advantages against Dragon, Steel, and Fairy-type opponents thanks to the mix of dual typings. Azumarill is a PvP powerhouse and strong starter, but you’ve got Alolan Dugtrio to cover if it winds up facing off against a Steel type right off the bat. Swapping in and out to wind up with ideal type matches will be your strategy with this build, so be prepared to get your head in the game.


Alolan Sandslash Pokemon

Alolan Sandslash


If you want to lean into the Steel typing all the way, this team lets you do it with a bit of variety so you’re ready to handle others who are also packing Steel-types. Excadrill will likely be a popular choice this time around given its recent appearance in so many Raids, so it’s a bit of an “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” situation there. Heatran is bringing the heat with the fire typing, but watch out for other teams with Azumarill or other Water types.


Wigglytuff Pokemon



Melmetal is a powerful PvP attacker and the single Steel typing means just a handful of weaknesses to worry about. Wigglytuff can handle any fighting types that your opponent might throw your way, plus the Dragons to boot. Turtonator lets you get in on the Dragon action if you like while offering firepower to tackle Steel-type opponents.

These are just a few examples of balanced teams you could bring into the Pokemon GO Fantasy Cup this season. With the extra long duration, you’ll have some time to hone in on the strategy that works best for you and stack up victories so you can snag those Battle League rewards.

Pokemon GO is available to play now on mobile devices.