Application Description
RYFFC: Your News, Your Control!
RYFFC offers a safe and inclusive platform for news sharing, free from the fear of censorship or legal repercussions. We're revolutionizing news consumption by democratizing its creation, sharing, and engagement, all within a secure and interactive social environment. Experience news in a whole new way.
RYFFC exposes users to a diverse range of viewpoints, articles, and opinions. While we maintain a censorship-free environment, we prioritize user safety. Robust anti-bullying measures and a comprehensive self-moderation system empower users to curate their experience and avoid potentially upsetting content.
Introducing the Ryff:
A core component of RYFFC is the "Ryff," a concise (88-character limit) user-generated commentary on an article. Think of it as a quick, insightful "hot take." Ryffers engage with articles, pop culture, and news in a dynamic format, distinct from traditional comment sections. Respond to a Ryff with a "Ryff Back" to engage directly with other users. Note: You can only Ryff back on another user's Ryff once until they reply.
Self-Moderation: Tailoring Your Experience
RYFFC empowers users to control the level of potentially sensitive content they encounter. Choose from three moderation levels:
- G (General): Mild or non-controversial content.
- M (Moderate): Mild to moderately controversial content.
- BE (Bleeding Edge): All available content, including highly controversial material.
Users also participate in voting to influence the moderation level assigned to articles.
Superboost & Swipe Voting: Enhanced Engagement
Superboost allows users to amplify their "Likes" for particularly impactful posts. Instead of traditional thumb-based likes and dislikes, simply swipe left or right on an article to register your preference.
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