Home News All Monsters in Pressure And How to Survive Them – Roblox

All Monsters in Pressure And How to Survive Them – Roblox

Author : Connor Update : Mar 24,2025

In the thrilling world of Roblox *Pressure*, mastering the art of dealing with each unique monster is key to surviving all rooms. While some monsters share similar strategies, others require specific approaches to ensure you clear each run flawlessly. Here’s a comprehensive guide to **all monsters in *Pressure* and how to survive them**.

How to Survive All Monsters in Pressure

Below, you'll discover detailed strategies for defeating every monster in *Pressure*. These creatures can be random encounters, specific to certain nodes, or found in designated areas like the DiVine in Oxygen Gardens. I'll walk you through the best methods to handle each monster and the cues to watch for to hide effectively. Remember to be cautious of **Cleithrophobia**, which activates if you hide too long, forcing you out of hiding. Therefore, don't hide prematurely; instead, listen or watch for the specific signs of each monster outlined below.


pandemonium in pressure roblox

Image by The Escapist

When lights begin to flicker, it's a sign that Pandemonium might spawn. Avoid rushing into a locker due to Cleithrophobia; instead, stand by one and wait for the distinctive roar. Pandemonium will instantly kill any player in its line of sight unless they're safely tucked away in a locker. If it approaches your hiding spot, you'll be thrown into a mini-game requiring you to keep your cursor centered as the screen moves and the monster slams the locker. Successfully navigating this mini-game means you've survived Pandemonium.

Good People

good people in pressure roblox

Image by The Escapist

Good People appear in rooms with dead-end doors, one of which is a Fake Door that leads to instant death if opened. Here's how to avoid it:

  • **Fake Door Cues**: Approach doors closely without opening them to detect signs like breathing, growling, sparks, or scanlines on the navi-path sign, indicating Good People's presence.
  • **Dark Rooms**: In darker environments, the navi-path screen of Fake Doors remains lit, whereas real doors' screens stay dark.
  • **HQ Message**: If HQ suggests a path without revealing the incorrect one, be vigilant for Fake Doors.


eyefestation in pressure roblox

Image by The Escapist

This shark-like monster haunts rooms with ocean-view windows. Avoid making eye contact, as it will drain your HP. Simply exit the room without looking out to make it despawn.


squiddle in pressure roblox

Image by The Escapist

Dealing with Squiddles is straightforward: turn off your light if you spot them and keep a safe distance. They appear in dark rooms or those darkened by other monsters. With your light off, you can safely pass them.

Locker Void-Mass

locker voidmass in pressure roblox

Image by The Escapist

These slimes randomly occupy lockers. Entering one with a Void-Mass inside results in damage and being trapped. Always check for purple slime before entering. If you find yourself trapped, you'll take continuous damage until you either die or are rescued by another player.

Wall Dweller

wall dweller in pressure roblox

Image by The Escapist

Wall Dwellers emerge from walls when you're not looking and chase to insta-kill. Listen for distinct, out-of-sync footsteps. If spotted, they retreat. If they attack a teammate, you can approach and attack them. Baiting them and having another player kill them is the best strategy. If a roaming Node like The Angler encounters a Wall Dweller, it will kill it, leaving a meat chunk for health regeneration. However, meat from player-killed dwellers is defective and won't heal.

Redeemer and Hanger

reedemer in pressure roblox

Image by The Escapist

Finding the Redeemer revolver initiates a minigame where the Hanger monster appears behind you. Mash the E (Interact) button to resist its influence. Success means you shoot the Hanger and survive. Failure leads to shooting yourself or taking 20 damage from the Hanger's stabs.

Candlebearers & Candlebrutes

candlebearer and candlebrute in pressure roblox

Image by The Escapist

Candlebearers can be stunned with light but avoid shining it for more than 3 seconds to prevent them from becoming enraged and chasing you. They deal low damage, so sporadic light shining allows safe passage. If enraged, their light turns fully blue. Candlebrutes, a tougher version, are only slowed by light, not stunned, and emergency lights don't affect them. They can be enraged after 5 seconds of light exposure.

The Angler

angler variants in pressure roblox

Image by The Escapist

The Angler, a common monster, signals its presence with flickering lights. Hide in a nearby locker or submerge your head in water to survive. They only spawn in rooms with lockers, and if you don't hide, you'll have a brief window before it enters and roars, insta-killing those in its line of sight.


Similar to the Angler, Pinkie requires hiding in a locker but without the pre-warning of flickering lights. Instead, listen for her screeching as she approaches. She'll only spawn where there's a valid hiding spot.


Froger behaves like the Angler, with flickering lights and a screech upon arrival. Hide promptly. Unlike others, Froger will rebound back through the path after reaching the end, so be prepared to hide again.


Chainsmoker's arrival is marked by flickering lights and the sound of rattling chains. He emits green smoke before entering a room, forcing you out of lockers. Hide when your screen starts shaking to avoid being forced out by the gas. Chainsmoker is notably slow.


Blitz, the fastest of the node monsters, appears near hiding spots. Listen for screeching and hide when you hear his loud roar. Be aware of his speed to avoid being caught.


bottomfeeder in pressure roblox

Image by The Escapist

Found only in The Dredge area, Bottomfeeder attacks players in water. Use dry surfaces to evade it. If caught, you're thrown into a mini-game where you mash Q and E (or specific mobile buttons) to escape, which drains your health. Winning this mini-game repels the monster temporarily, giving you time to reach safety.

The DiVine

divine in pressure roblox

Image by The Escapist

In Oxygen Gardens, The DiVine trees remain passive unless you step on grass, triggering their hostility. Avoid the grass to stay safe. If activated, they chase and deal 75 damage upon contact. Be cautious as they can combine with other monsters like Eyefestation, requiring you to avoid grass and eye contact simultaneously.

That concludes our guide on all monsters in *Pressure* Roblox and how to survive them. Don't forget to check out our *Pressure* codes for free goodies.