Home News Master Monster Hunter Rise: Bow Guide

Master Monster Hunter Rise: Bow Guide

Author : Mia Update : Mar 13,2025

The bow in *Monster Hunter Wilds*, while demanding a steeper learning curve than other weapons, offers incredible potential. Mastering it unlocks a unique and powerful playstyle. New players should understand its core mechanics before engaging in hunts.

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------------------------------------- Monster Hunter Wilds Bow Weapon
Screenshot via The Escapist

Unlike other *Monster Hunter Wilds* weapons, the bow's effectiveness hinges on careful stamina management. Light attacks consume minimal stamina, but charged attacks significantly drain it. Mastering this balance is key.

Basic attacks are executed via left-click (PC), R2 (PlayStation), or RT (Xbox). More advanced techniques, such as Dragon Piercer and Thousand Dragons, require specific combo inputs. The following table details the controls:

Regular AttackLeft-clickR2RT
Charged AttackHold left-clickHold R2Hold RT
Aim / FocusHold right-clickHold L2Hold LT
Quick ShotFOB
Power ShotF + FO + OB + B
Arc ShotRight-click + Left-click + FL2 + R2 + OLT + RT + B
Charging SidestepRight-click + RL2 + XLT + A
Dragon PiercerR + FTriangle + OY + B
Thousand DragonsRight-click + R + FR2 + Triangle + ORT + Y + B
Select CoatingCtrl + arrow up or downL1 + Triangle or XLB + Y or A
Apply CoatingRTriangleY
Ready TracerLeft-click + EL2 + R2 + SquareLT + RT + X
Focus Fire: HailstormRight-click + ShiftL2 + Hold R1LT + Hold RB

Before hunting, practice in the training grounds to familiarize yourself with the bow's mechanics and combos. This will significantly improve your performance and survival rate.

Related: Monster Hunter Wilds Weapon Tier List (Best Weapons to Use)

Exploiting Weak Points

The bow excels at targeting a monster's weak points. Focus Fire: Hailstorm, activated by holding Shift (PC), R1/RB (consoles), automatically locks onto these vulnerable areas, indicated by red spots after aiming. Maximize your damage by consistently targeting these spots.

Utilizing Coatings

Coating gauge
Screenshot via The Escapist

Coatings significantly enhance arrow effectiveness. Regular attacks gradually fill a coating gauge (bottom-right corner). Once full, press R, Triangle, or Y to apply coatings. Each bow supports two coating types. Available coatings include:

  • Power Coating – Increased damage
  • Pierce Coating – Enhanced penetration with Dragon Piercer
  • Close-Range Coating – Increased close-range damage
  • Paralysis Coating – Inflicts Paralysis
  • Exhaust Coating – Inflicts Stun and Exhaustion
  • Sleep Coating – Inflicts Sleep
  • Poison Coating – Inflicts Poison
  • Blast Coating – Inflicts Blast

Mastering Tracer Arrows

Tracer Arrows, while consuming coating points, are invaluable. They stick to monsters, guiding subsequent arrows for precise hits, particularly useful for creating weak points. Use them strategically.

*Monster Hunter Wilds is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.*