Home News DinoBlits Lets You Explore What Happened to the Dinosaurs in a Simple but Fun Way

DinoBlits Lets You Explore What Happened to the Dinosaurs in a Simple but Fun Way

Author : Max Update : Mar 25,2025

DinoBlits Lets You Explore What Happened to the Dinosaurs in a Simple but Fun Way

DinoBlits, an innovative RPG, invites you on a thrilling journey to unravel the mystery behind the disappearance of dinosaurs. This isn't just any dino game; it's a strategic adventure where you can explore, strategize, and save the last remaining species of dinosaurs from extinction.

Set 65 Million Years Ago

DinoBlits transports you back to the Jurassic era, precisely 65 million years ago, a time when dinosaurs dominated the Earth. But in this game, instead of simply foraging or preying on each other, these majestic creatures are forming tribes, fending off waves of adversaries, and cleverly evading extinction.

Your adventure begins with the creation of your very own dino chief, the heart of your tribe. You have the freedom to customize their stats and set the tone for your tribe. Will they be powerful and courageous warriors, or more inclined towards research and a laid-back lifestyle?

In DinoBlits, dinosaurs have emotions and needs, making their happiness an essential part of your strategy. The game revolves around finding the right balance as you expand to new islands, conduct research, and ensure survival. Upgrading your land is crucial for unlocking better rewards.

Building robust defenses is vital to prevent being overrun by enemies. You'll often find yourself making tough decisions between expanding your tribe or merely trying to survive the next onslaught. Don't miss out on the excitement—watch the DinoBlits trailer right here.

Will You Try DinoBlits?

The game features an auto-battle option that adds an exciting twist to the gameplay. Additionally, the soulmate mechanic is a unique aspect where your chief can have a partner whose abilities you can choose, impacting your strategy and gameplay significantly.

While DinoBlits is often categorized as a roguelike, it doesn't fully fit the traditional mold, as replayability may be limited. However, if you're looking for a straightforward, casual strategy game, DinoBlits is definitely worth a try. You can find it on the Google Play Store.

Before you go, don't forget to check out our latest news on Crunchyroll's Kardboard Kings, a Card Shop and Collector Simulator, for more gaming insights and updates.