Application Description
This is a fun puzzle! Let's explore the logic and find some LGBTQ+ flags.
The provided logic is playful and not a strict representation of LGBTQ+ identities. It's a simplified way to introduce some flags.
Man flag + Man flag = Gay flag (Rainbow Flag): This represents the common rainbow flag often associated with gay men, though the flag represents the entire LGBTQ+ community.
Woman flag + Woman flag = Lesbian flag (Pink, Orange, White, and Black Flag): This refers to a common lesbian flag, though variations exist.
Gay + Lesbian = ??? This is where it gets interesting! There isn't one single answer. The combination of gay and lesbian identities falls under the broader LGBTQ+ umbrella. The most common flag representing this would be the Rainbow Flag itself, as it is inclusive of all identities under the umbrella. However, other flags exist that represent specific intersections of identities (e.g., a bisexual person who is also a lesbian might use a different flag).
Finding All Flags: A comprehensive list of LGBTQ+ flags is extensive, as new ones are created to represent different identities and communities. The provided email and website might contain more information, though I cannot access external websites or specific email addresses. A general web search for "LGBTQ+ pride flags" will reveal a vast array of flags representing various identities and communities.
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