Application Description
Introducing the GUESS81 App: Shop Smarter, Earn More!
Get ready for a shopping experience that's both rewarding and convenient with the GUESS81 App! Enjoy 20% off and free shipping on your first in-app purchase.
Join the GUESSList loyalty program and unlock a world of VIP benefits:
- Earn bonus points with every purchase and redeem them for cash rewards.
- Access your digital card right from the app.
- Be the first to shop exclusive collections, collaborations, and new arrivals.
- Get exclusive in-app offers and notifications about nearby events.
Personalize your shopping journey:
- Add your favorite styles to your Wishlist and shop them anytime, anywhere.
- Can't find your size in-store? Simply scan the tag to purchase it directly from the app.
Download the GUESS81 App now and experience the difference!
- Loyalty program integration: Enjoy VIP treatment, earn bonus points, and redeem them for cash rewards.
- Exclusive offers: Access in-app offers and notifications about nearby events, available only to GUESSList members.
- Special collections and collaborations: Be the first to shop the latest trends and exclusive collaborations.
- Wishlist: Easily keep track of your favorite styles and shop them at your convenience.
- Size availability: Scan the tag to purchase your size directly from the app, even if it's not available in-store.
The GUESS81 app is your ultimate shopping companion, offering a range of features designed to enhance your experience. From exclusive perks and rewards to personalized shopping assistance, the app provides convenience, exclusivity, and a seamless shopping journey.
Click here to download now and start shopping smarter!
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