Application Description
Stay informed with Astro AWANI, Malaysia's leading news source. Our app delivers breaking news, global stories, live coverage, in-depth analysis, and exclusive interviews – all for free. Access award-winning journalism covering top headlines across various categories including world news, business, sports, entertainment, technology, travel, and lifestyle.
Key features include live TV streaming for on-the-go news updates, instant notifications for breaking news alerts, and a curated selection of trending topics. Stay connected with customizable Solat time notifications and Qiblat direction guidance. Catch up on missed news with our extensive podcast library and enjoy unlimited video access.
Astro AWANI App Highlights:
- Live TV Streaming: Watch live news coverage anytime, anywhere.
- Real-time Notifications: Receive immediate alerts for breaking news.
- Trending News: Stay updated on the most popular and relevant stories.
- Solat Times & Qiblat: Personalized Solat time reminders and Qiblat direction finder.
- Podcast Library: Access a wide range of audio content, including news discussions and signature programs.
- Unlimited Video On-Demand: Enjoy free access to a vast library of videos.
Download the Astro AWANI app today for free and experience comprehensive, up-to-the-minute news coverage.
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