訊息 《死神:勇敢的靈魂》節日白夜活動啟動


作者 : Max 更新 : Nov 29,2024
                Bleach: Brave Souls is hosting a brand-new Christmas-themed event
                Running from November 30th through to December 15th, it boasts three new five-star characters
                Retsu Unohana, Nemu Kurotsuchi and Isane Kotetsu all get stylish new looks for Xmas

Well, it wouldn't be the Christmas period on mobile if there wasn't a glut of holiday-themed events now would it? And one of the front-runners this year is none other than Bleach: Brave Souls, the 3D brawler based on the hit anime series. You can look forward to a Christmas cracker with the new Zenith Summons: White Night event beginning soon.

活動將於 11 月 30 日至 12 月 15 日持續整個聖誕節季節。首先,我們有三個新的五星級角色在慶祝活動中首次亮相,2024 年聖誕節版本的 Retsu Unohana、Nemu Kurotsuchi 和 Isane Kotetsu 都穿著適合這個季節的時尚新造型。

你將會保證 x10 召喚每 5 步就有一個五星級角色(第 25 步和第 50 步除外!)。在第 25 步,您將獲得一張“選擇新的 5 星角色召喚券”,而第 50 步則為您提供“動漫特別選擇 5 星角色召喚券”。我們知道,名字很活潑。




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